Palmetto Summer Seasonal Watermelon Wheat Ale.

Going going gone. As I sit here on my balcony enjoying this departure from the summer I enjoy the last of the beers I picked up on my vacation to the east coast. Todays beer is Palmetto Summer Seasonal Watermelon Wheat Ale. I was all ready to blast this beer as not being worth the bottle it was put in because I had it the other day as a standalone and was not pleased due to the fat that the watermelon taste that the beer touts was non existent and the beer was overall bitter. However, that was before I sat down with a cigar and the beer. I by no means call myself an aficionado when it comes to cigars but on occasion life calls for celebrating and this was one of those times for me and so I find myself sipping and cigaring on the balcony (I was enjoying a 10th Anniversary Maker’s Mark, thanks Jay). This combo works, the smoke brings out the watermelon taste that was so lacking when I first tried the beer. This was like a whole different beer, I was like “where were you all my life you wonderfully balanced beer?" The mellon taste sits on the back of the tong as the wheat taste mingles with smoke from the maker’s mark. For those who smoke cigars on a regular basis, I think you will enjoy the tactual mouth taste of the beer and the cigar as well as the taste. For those who include the physical sensation of enjoying food or drinking or smoking or loving for that matter, I think you will find that this combo just feels good in the mouth as well as on the taste buds. With the smoke the beer is well balanced with a nice mix of mellon and wheat. Without, the beer is a bit bitter and uninspired. As a result, the beer is not one that I would get in the future due to the fact fact that I just done smoke cigars that much to justify buying this beer, but to those of you who do, this beer is a good smoking beer but that is about it.

So enjoy.

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