Pabst Blue Ribbon

This beer is a contender for this years beer of the year and it is about time. Ten mounts into it and I do believe that this is the first contestant we have. The beer on the block today is of all beers a Pabst Blue Ribbon. This is not one of those trendy beers that everyone is drinking, in fact I think this beer had a stigma about it back in the day as being a billy bob beer, one which the proud beer swilling blue collar workers of the americas guzzle wile watching the fine quality programing only found on CMT, (is that channel even still around), but I digress. All stigmas aside the only place I have found this beer is whole foods a place which congers stigmas of another, but I will spare you all the stigma talk and get on with the beer review. This beer has a lightly malty taste with no bitter after taste. This thing is as smooth as all get out and in addition to that the beer is refreshing and thirst quenching as well. This beer will go well with darker meats such as steak and ribs. The beer is not so good with chicken but that is of little consequence. The beer has so many good attributes it is just so good, it comes in a one pint can which is the way all beers should come. The beer is about 6 to 7 bucks and is a good deal in my opinion. The web page is a little basic and leave much to be desired, but with a beer that is this good you don’t need a really boffo web page. So, as the temps start to drop and you want to head back outside and start grilling you might think about grabbing a PBR. Patrick, this ones for you wherever you are.

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