Son of a peach wheat Ale

I wish that I could report that this beer was a phenom of sorts but a lass it is not. This beer is in my opinion a novelty beer. You are pulled in by the label with it’s scowling eyes framed by that refreshing looking peach, you are thinking this might be good so you let yourself believe. The beer is an American wheat that is made with “mean peaches” and if you google mean peaches you will come up with bunk and a picture of some chunky asian chick who is suppose to be “mean peaches”. I tried this with food of all sorts but nothing matched the odd flavor profile of this beer. The same is said for the beer as a standalone, the beer is just too bitter and the slight peach taste is too little too late and it just ends up leaving an unpleasant taste in your mouth and wallet. Well, when you go out into the world and try new things you don’t always walk away a winner, but the good thing is that you can always try once more.

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