Woody Creek White Belgian Stile Wit By Flying Dog Brewing Co Fredrick, Md

Before the dog days of summer set in I decided to review the dog, the flying dog that is. For the next few weeks I will be reviewing beers form the Flying Dog Brewing Co. The first beer out of the gate is an interesting one, the beer is not filtered and as a result it comes out looking like pale smokey gold with little nuggets hovering slowly to the bottom of the glass. In addition to that the beer is extremely effervescent in the mouth, so much so that there is a bitter taste when you drink this beer the fist thing you will notice is this bitter phenomenon followed with a clove flavor which is reminiscent of the Oak Creek Hefeweizen that I reviewed back in January. At first I thought that this was going to be a copy of that review however this beer turns out to be a very complex drink when you start to think about how this beers flavor profiles are gathered from the carbonation process in addition to the normal taste infusing of the brewing process. The beer ends with a sweet note which gives more depth to the overall complexity of the beer. The beer is hard to pare with a food due to it’s complexities, so it is best as just a drinking drinking beer. all in all the beer is a real thinker when it comes to the taste profile but be warned, the beer does leave you belching from all that potent carbonation.

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