Pilsner Urquell

When translated, stands for crappy tasting beer. Touted as "the original pilsner" this beer is bitter as all get out. It even leaves a bitter aftertaste in the mouth. This beer is an overall unpleasant experience. For those of you who read "good life magazines" you will be seeing this beer advertised in your mag. WARNING THIS BEER SUCKS AND TASTES LIKE A SKUNKS ASS, DRINK AT YOUR OWN STUPIDITY. Do not be "April fooled" into purchasing this stinker of a beer no matter how "real" and "authentic" and "true" tasting they say this beer is. The advertising boast; "using the finest local ingredients" well the local ingredients they must be talking about is skunk shit. So the moral of the story is, don’t be fooled by well thought up adds in snooty magazines.

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