Orange Blossom Cream Ale

I am going to come right out of the gate here and say that this brewery is a powerhouse in the brewing world. The Buffalo Bill Brewing Co has consecutively impressed me with it’s untraditional offerings. Case in point, this latest offering, an Orange Blossom Cream Ale and it is everything the bottle says it is. This is the beer of the summer if not the year! First off the the detractors of the beer and there are not many. The beer is a drinking only beer, due to the sweet taste profile of the beer it is limited to just a drinking beer, but what a drinking beer it is. This is like cream in the mouth, the taste is reminiscent of an French orange cream pastry and an orange cream-sicle with a alcohol after taste. The beer is a well rounded one from start to finish. The beers natural habitat is outside in the backyard on a summer afternoon, bottle sweating slightly in the sun. This is a social butterfly of a beer in that its taste is so different and conversation evoking. Pick this one up for all your summertime backyard BBQ’s and get togethers. despite the fact that the beer is only a drinker, I am adding it into the running for beer of the year.

Thanks to for the picture this time, I would have done it myself, but time, oh how it does run out so fast. Enjoy!!!

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