from the Congo, this beer reminds me of a cross between Rolling Rock Beer and Heineken Beer. However this is not necessarily a bad thing. The beer is a little skunky as after taste, but the beginning and middle part of the taste is pleasant. The beginning of the taste is sweet and lightly refreshing just what you would expect on a hot day it is so good, but then like just like the crocodile on the bottle, in comes the bite. Which hangs on for quite a long time which makes you want to take a quick swig of more to stop the the bitter bite. The beer is a pale gold with a medium head which falls off rather quickly. The beer is 5% ABV which makes it a middle of the road messer-upper when it comes to getting buzzed. Ebenezer, the beer drinking cat does not particular care for the smell much less the taste of the beer, but what can you say, he is a fickle puss. My final thoughts for this beer is that it is a good standalone beer, you know one you have at a social gathering in the summer, but that is about all. Remember, it is most like Heineken in the flavor profile so if you like you some Heine, then you will enjoy this beer but if not like me then you might not it is also a quick drink. Just like the croc on the label one minuet you see him, the next you don’t he is gone. A side note, the bottle for this beer is really heavy, I have never seen a bottle with so much empty weight, it really is heavy. In Addition to that, the name NGOK is African for crocodile.

As the close of the year comes around I will be unveiling my BEER OF THE YEAR so stay tuned to see who it will be.

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