Brawling Brits

The beer news comes to us from a Houston Chronicle article what was printed sometime last week. Apparently the problem of using bar glasses as weapons in bar fights has reached such epidemic proportions that the government has seen fit to step in and intervene with what is being called the biggest advance in glassware in decades, unbreakable beer glass. In an effort to save 2.7 billion pounds (4.3 billion us dollars) a year in health care cost from “glassing” attacks. The new glasses use two different types of technology to prevent shattering. The first is one which has ben used in car windshields where two thin layers of glass are bonded together and the other uses a bio-rsin coating on the inside of the glass to prevent shattering. The fact that the government is putting it’s best men and resources towards preventing drunken brawls as apposed to stopping the culture the spurs it on says but one thing. Beer is important to the British

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