Tequiza and Chill, brothers from another mother

Tequiza: More spirit tasting than beer tasting, the traditional grainy taste of beer is underline. The best way to describe this beer is highlights yes, but don’t underline them. That’s the best way to define this beer. You sea, this beer is brewed with blue agave and lime nectar. Blue agave is used in the brewing of Tequila and as you all know, lime goes well with tequila, so the natural tendency of a dedicated beer drinker is high skepticism, I mean this sounds like a recipe for disaster. But I like it, this beer represents for me a great time with good friends in the back yard. Yes it was a lazy summer day the backyard and for that matter, the entire house was for that moment "ours" the night was young and the beers were extra cold. It was one of those great times you always remember. You see, friends I have come to fined that beer is the catalyst for great memories. Time with friends is good, but for me adding beer is a great page marker in my personal book of memories. This ones for you "Super Chicken" and "KAT" hears to you and your friendship one which was forged with a cold beer. So, BEERS TO YA! Thanks for a great friendship shared over some great beers. P.S. Thank you to Anheuser Bush fro giving us a beer that for once is out of the ordinary and it truly original.

Chill. Like a long lost brother from another mother comes Miller Chill. This is Millers answer to Anheuser’s Tequiza. The two taste relatively the same. However, Chill boasts about coming from the Chelada style of brewing from Mexico. However, the Chill is less sweat and a more hardy taste overall. You can really taste the saltiness in the beer, the taste is more pail in taste but good. The best way to sum up the two beers is that they are like brothers from another mother, with Tequiza being the older more sophisticated of the two, but the other being good, but not the greatest.

Red Dog By The Plank Road Brewery

Nick nack patty wack, give this dog a home. A large percentage of money goes to the advertising departments of most mass produced beers. However, this is not the case with Red-Dog. As you stroll down the beer isle of your local grocer, you see him, the red dog staring out at you with indifferent eyes. The sort of eyes that say " look bub, I don’t really give a flip if you take me home or not". The Red-Dog he says "look, take me as I am. Not for my price tag or the other cheap beers this smuck grocer placed me next to, if you want a good dog, er I mean beer, then take me home. Otherwise pick the pretty looking beer with the premium price tag just down the case you pansy". Now for most things in life the saying is true. You get what you pay for. However, with beers, that is not always the case, in fact sometimes it is the exact opposite. You can end up paying high prices for complete crap, and in actuality what you are paying for is the advertising and not the content of the bottle. The way I like to describe Red-Dog is that it is a good old beer, it is well rounded in all aspects. The price is great it goes well with food, especially Buffalo Wings. I have found that that combination, the Red-Dog and the wings does it for me. Man, one Red-Dog and about twelve wings and I am good to go. Red-Dog has one of the highest alcohol contents around, so watch out when drinking this one, it is smooth with a bit of a bite at the end, but overall a well-rounded beer. It’s only detractor is the fact that it is so cheap. People tend to be frightened by cheap beer.

Red Stripe Lager

Red Stripe Jamaican Lager

Ja-man, ja-makin me thirsty for another one mon. For over 75 years Red Stripe has embodied the spirit, rhythm and pulse of the Jamaica and it’s people, and they must be a thirsty people because this Red Stripe is so dang refreshing. It is, however, a tad lax in the flavor department. But for what it lacks in taste, it makes up for in refreshment. You can slam back a whole bushel of these squatty babies and still be thirsty for more. So enjoy mon. Felix "Ja-mon" this ones for you. P.S. I will see you down on Electric Avenue.