Hello to you all my name is Chris and I relay enjoy beers, Every where I go in the world like to try new beers. I try to find beers that are unique to the place I am visiting. As a result I have come to post my reviews of the beers I have tried. So to start off this blog, I give you the beer of the year 07.

Wells Banana Bread Beer

Wow, this beer smells like a banana now n later. Very light carbonation the now and later taste fills the mouth around the lips. Most of the carbonation seems to be lost during poring. This is an extraordinarily heavy beer; I would love to take the hygrometer to this one. For all my fellow aviation fuel experts out there, did you know that beer, just like jet fuel has a "gravity" and is checked with a hygrometer? But I digress. For all of you out there who like to start your day with a bowl of wheatabix and sliced banana, you will love this beer, the coloration is a tanned banana peal orange. One of the big reasons I was so enamored with this beer is because I usually hate anything banana related, so when I found this beer and enjoyed it so much I new that it was the best pick for beer of the year. My suggestion for enjoying this beer is as an after dinner drink like a desert. Hope you all enjoy this one.

P.S. I would love to here your feedback on this beer. Did you like it, did you hate it? Please let me know thanks, Chris AKA,Captain "C"

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