Guinness Black Lager

This is the last beer review of the year before I announce the beer of the year next week. As I stated in past reviews, I would love to hear from any of you out there in regards to what you think the beer of the year should be. Having said that, hers this weeks review and unfortunately it is not a hit. This is the latest offering from Guinness, yes the people who brought the world the dark of night beer Guinness stout which if you ever have ever it, it is one hell of a rotten beer, like bitter cold coffee thats been left in the pot over night. Then there is also the middle of the road sort of beer form Guinness which is Guinness Draft. which is a modern marvel in that to export it to beer drinkers around the world they had to invent a way to carbonate the beer like when it comes out of the tap and into the glass. The issue was that to carbonate the beer like normal it would not cat right in the glass when opened, because when you let beer sit in the glass it will slightly settle in the carbonation department and so out of the necessity of proper beer drinking of a fine brew came the “WIGIT” which carbonates the beer the moment you bob the top. You will only see Guinness Draft in the can because of this. Now on to the brand new offering, the Guinness Black Lager, made to toe into the american markets where the other tow beers could not penetrate. The average joe six packs house. Yes this is Guinness selling out to make the green and I am not referring to hops here. This is just lame and tasteless, this is what an Irish man uses to clean sheep shit from his dogs feet. Pandering to the average american moron (yep, I said it and if this makes you angry then prove me wrong. Say by the way did catch todays Playboy morning show, or anything on “spice” radio? I rest my case) in this way is tantamount to taking your heritage filled name to the abortion clinic for an appointment. I am so unimpressed by this beer. The story of the three Guinness beers goes like this there was one Guinness that was too bitter, there was one that was in the middle and just right and there was one that was too light. This really is like drinking water and is such a letdown for black lager lovers of the world because there are some out there that are really flavorful and provocative, and in this case some that are not. If you are looking for a good example of what a “good” black lager is, then look no further than shiner’s version of the black lager. I can not suggest this beer for anything. However on a food related note, I noticed that when had with hot sauce it enhances the spice to a hiccup inducing amount. Live to drink another day and I hope that flavorful beers come your way but head this warning I say steer clear of this black lager in a major way and oh by the way happy holidays.

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