Beers and Friends

This is not so much a beer review as it is a tribute to a new friend. For those of you who follow my blog, I usually rip on anything from Anhiser Buch as specially Budweiser beer. However, I found that after a few days in the outback backpacking, a beer by any name is a good beer and this Budweiser was the best beer I have ever had after running around in the mountains with nothing to drink. This is for my new friend ED. As I have said that in the past, beer is made to be enjoyed. Beer is the great common denominator. After my backcountry adventure with my wife, we were back in base camp at Big Bend where the camp host was had greeted us when we first arrived invited me to come sit and have a beer with him. I was dead tired from the hike, but could not pass up the opportunity to sit and talk over a beer. What a magical idea to sit in nature and make a new friend all while enjoying a beer. Something so universal and common, yet so powerful in it’s ability to bring together strangers. So heres to beer, the friend maker. We might not be Budweiser or Coors fans, but we are all beer fans. We will always be able to put our differences aside for the beers we prefer when it comes to making new friends and enjoying a beverage called beer. Ed, thank you fro your hospitality during our stay at Big Bend and thanks for he Budweiser. it was the best dang beer I have ever had.

Beck"s Beer

Beck’s Beer

The beer of Germany and of German U-boat crews. Yes folks, this very beer that I now review is the same beer that 60 years before German U-boat crews were drinking as they patrolled the deep looking for floating targets. This beer is a good soled working persons beer. The beer is a little like a Heineken in the bitterness department but the strong wheat taste that in my opinion is the platform of any good beer comes in strong at the finish. For those of you out there that enjoy a good Heineken, I feel that this will be a good beer for you, in addition to that you will have a good history story to go along with it when you are trying to start a conversation dawn at the bar. To say this is a good solid beer really does do a good job at describing it. This is not by any stretch of the imagination a progressive beer sent to blow the market away in terms of the next big thing in beer, it is what it is and there is not much more to say. However, when paired with food the beer takes on a sweet taste that dwells on the bottom right and left sides of the lower jaw which is a much different flavor profile than when it is enjoyed as a standalone.