Flying Dog Old Scratch Amber Lager

The beer is called an amber lager, however it looks like dark amber or copper. The color is reminiscent of the snake dog IAP I last reviewed, and tastes like it as well. However, not as strong in the flavor or alcohol department (alcohol content 5.5%). The first thing you will experience is a tingling taste near the sides of the mouth as well as a flat after taste going down. This is a a fast drinking beer but not a drinking one, it is a good eating beer due to it’s bitter ending. I feel that it would be best as an ingredient in foods or with foods. For example I could see this beer being used in beer bread and if it came in a can it would do good in a beer can chicken or duck or game hen. The Flying Dog web page says that the beer is good with roasted meats, hearty breads, spicy foods and cajun food. All in all this was my second favorite beer from the flying dog brewing Co. my first being the Snake Dog IAP which was a real kick in the mouth unlike this one is. In conclusion, the last two beers I reviewed from Flying Dog were the most flavorful of all that I tried. So as the dog days of summer start to wind down so too does my reviews of the Flying Dog. We start next time with some beers I picked up during my trip to the east coast.

P.S. Thanks Lina for the the beers.

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