Wanted: more brew pubs in Houston, NOW!!!!!

Todays beer news come from a Houston Chronicle newspaper insert that comes out every Thursday called Preview which gives a general rundown of what is going on during the weekend and where to go to eat and drink. This article I am reviewing is called “Brew pubs’ market is flat” and I could not agree more. The article talks about the lack of brew pubs in Houston despite a market that is ripe for such venues. Apparently back in the 90’s there were ay least three other brew pubs in Houston, it looked as if Houston was starting to become a beer lovers town. However, for one reason or another all but one brew pub (Two Rows) has gone the way of the do do bird. Today as brew pubs, like the sand hill crane seem to be making comebacks in other parts of Texas like Austin and San Antonio. Houston, a port city no less is stuck with just one lousy brew pub. It has been quite sometime since I went to the Houston location but from what the author of this article says, not much has changed. The place reeks of corporate conglomo franchising and that is so sad because in my opinion a brew pub should be anything but. A true brew pub in my mind is remenisent of a whole in the wall eked out of some old brick building in a historic part of town, run by guys who have full beards wear clothing from places like whole earth provision company to work and drive an old beater Isuzu trooper with Kinky Friedman stickers on the back glass. The food at Two Rows is lackluster at best and the beer was uninspired as well. Houston deserves better in the way of brew pubs and brewers. Houston is ready and as I stated before the demand is there it just seems that all we need now is some intrepid brewers and perhaps one cleaver “C” to help out with the location selection, but I digress. from the article it sounds like the Texas hill country is the place to be for good brew pubs and beer. Sounds like someone needs to go on a road trip.

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