BL lime

The summer heat will soon be on the run and everyone will be saying gosh it is so cold I wish it were summer. So, in an attempt to beat you to the punch of wishing it were summer so you can start enjoying cold summer style beers once more. It is still summer now and this is a summer beer and the biggest shock is that this beer is from Anheuser-Busch of all brewers. Not to beat a dead horse here, but I for the most part am not a fan of the Anheuser-Busch line of product, it is my opinion that in the beginning perhaps they had a good beer however that is not the case now. Just look how they are having to switch up the style of there can. For the umpteenth time, it’s not whats on the can, it is whats in the can that is most important. Having said that, whats in this can or in this case bottle that has real strength as a social drinking beer. What I mean is everything about this beer is easygoing, this thing is smooth tasting with just a little lime taste at the end with a hint of salt, almost like a michelada but not quite. This is a very refreshing beer and is a safe bet for drinkers of Bud Light you can taste the standard Bud Light flavor which is perhaps the only detractor from the beer.

Lucky Beer

Straight from the worlds newest emerging superpower of all places China. I am not for the most part a fan of things that come out of china, however the beers thats that come from the country are legitimately good. After just a little googling about beer form China provides information which adds weight to my theory about Chinese beer in that the Chinese have been brewing beers for many hundreds of years. Perhaps this new revelation in brewing history will give the Egyptian culture which for the most part has been excepted as the first beer brewers a run for it’s money as being the first. My hunch is that if archeologist and historians begin to look hard at all primitive cultures the evidence of brewing will show itself. It seems that the process of brewing is a natural progression for most cultures. As for the beer under review tonight, this is a beer much like an on again off again relationship. At first I did not care for the beer it just was not up to par, it was just a lack luster offering. I feel that I was being too hard on the beer just because of the bottle. What I mean is that I really don’t care what the bottle looks like, it is whats inside that that is the most important and the bottle is well crafted, perhaps too well crafted. At first it was too bitter, then too sweet. The worst part of the beer is that from bottle to bottle there was little to no consistency which if you are going to build a following of beer drinkers you need consistency. The consumer needs to be able to make a decision when they see the beer sitting on the shelve. They need to be able to say oh that beer taste like that (blank) and that would be the best for this situation. As result if this brewer wants to become a profitable american import it will need to work on consistency. As for the beer itself after all I have just said, this being the last beer in the six pack the beer is slightly reminiscent of Shiner Smokehause with a sweet lager finish. The beer is a overall well rounded beer that is good with food and as a drinking beer. The beer is very effervescent which is a little more than I like and I like highly carbonated beer. As for the wow factor when it comes to serving this to guests this is a grate one to serve. The beer bottle speaks for itself, this is a conversation starter and a safe bet due to the fact that the flavor profile on this beer is not too out there and would be best with a wanton soup. The webpage ( on the other hand really SUCKS in my opinion. One look at the page and you will just know what I am talking about. Is this a luxury car advertisement or a beer brewers webpage? Perhaps the most ridiculous of icons is the one on the far right “The path to enlightenment” where the brewer touts the beer as being brewed with pure drinkable water. As apposed to the all the other water there in China which is well...does any one remember the last summer Olympics and does anyone remember where they were held? Enjoy.