Honey Moon

Honey Moon from the Blue Moon Brewing Co. is a Summer Ale with a 5.2% ABV and is golden in color just like the town in Colorado where this beer is brewed. The beer is good as a standalone and as a beer you eat with. Things like fried catfish, chicken or pork sausage. However, the taste profile is full of subtleties; the honey flavor is there but the orange flavor is not, however this does not really detract from the overall taste which is sweet and refreshing, a real thirst quencher. In addition to that it also brings out the spice in foods. The price is 7.39 at Speck’s which seems to be the new norm for what a six pack should cost. All in all this is a good beer but not great. I feel the Belgian White Ale, the companies original offering is still the best brew that the company has thus far produced. However what is best is for you to decide, so in conclusion, think right drink right and enjoy.

Anchor: Porter

The smell of dark carbonated chocolate emanates from the glass just before your first sip. As you take your first sip the sweet chocolatey hints touchdown on the tip of your tongue ever so lightly ?followed? by an on slot of ?happiness?. This is truly a complex and well made beer in that it’s brewing process is simple and natural which in this world of mass mechanized manufacturing of beers something is lost in the process. However this not the case with this beer. Anchor lets it beer naturally carbonate, which results in a less carbonated taste which lets the true taste of the take center stage as apposed to taking a backseat to the taste of CO2. this is a rich heavy beer that is best ?suited? as an after dinner night cap or as a meal in itself. My suggestion for food pairing is a thick bison steak or a beef and barley stew perhaps even an angus burger. So if you are looking for a real beer drinkers beer. Weigh anchor and set sail for some porter. Enjoy